Welcome to SE Asia

So I have only been in Bangkok for a few days, but I can most definitely say it is the opposite of what I imagined it to be; however, at the same time, it hasn’t left me disappointed by any means.
For the past however many years I’ve wanted to go to Bangkok, I always envisioned it to be this glowing, golden city with these sprawling markets that made the street look like rainbows.
Upon arrival, I realized rather quickly that I am in SE Asia, and that pretty and beautiful takes on an entirely different form here.
Bangkok is definitely a down-and-dirty city, with no super tall buildings or clean, organized streets – basically, it is a world away from what I think of when I think of a city. This place is a backpacker heaven.
But, at the same time, in the middle of these
filthy streets lined with people, there are these incredibly huge, beautiful and enchanting temples. The tops of the temples are so elaborate and decked in these deep reds and these vibrant golds with all these intricate designs and carvings into them. It is mind blowing to pass them when you’re just walking down a crowded street.
The food is incredibly delicious. Every time you take a bite, you pray it never ends. It’s packed with a punch, and after spending a year in Korea, I really appreciate the rich flavors and the delicious smells.
We are headed North tonight to go to Chang Mai, a city where we can do Thai cooking courses and boxing and ride elephants – a bucket list dream of mine.
I am so excited!
Don’t be surprised if I come back with my arms lined in so many bracelets that I won’t even be able to bend my elbows.

Category: Asia, Thailand

3 comments on “Welcome to SE Asia

  1. Well ma’am you better save some room for bracelets collected during our inevitable South America trip :) lurrrrrrrrve you mucho

  2. 1. Love you, so happy to hear you are safe and sound!
    2. You? Cooking?
    3. Wait, you’re telling me you can fit MORE bracelets on your arms?
    4. Miss you!

  3. I am so excited for you. Riding Elephants–OMG

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