Changing directions in more ways than one

One of the things I have always found difficult when it comes to writing my blog is picking a direction or focus. I want to write a memoir, so these can be the founding pages for my book, right? But then that lends itself to getting very personal, and as my friend pointed out, it can sometimes tend to read more like a diary than a blog, which can be both good and bad.

Additionally, as an aspiring travel writer, I do tend to religiously follow so many travel blogs, which I find can be both helpful and intimidating at the same time. They’re helpful for the obvious: Reading other people’s work always makes you a better writer; however, they’re intimidating because it’s like - They’re are so many great travel bloggers out there, what can be my point of difference? 

So a long time ago, I wrote off doing a “travel advice” blog that would feature posts like “Where are the best hostels in Southeast Asia” or “Where to eat in Bangkok” because there were so many blogs out there like that already. In my mind, many of my readers were my loyal and devoted followers (re: family and friends) from back home in Brooklyn, and I didn’t necessarily see posts like that as being particularly practical for my audience.

I also wasn’t that kind of traveler. I took my time and wandered without any sort of driven itinerary or goal, but I never made it my mission to compile a list of things to see and do in each city I was visiting. I just wanted to relax and have fun and take things as they would come to me.

So I just decided to tell stories and record every little moment of something that happened – more a way of keeping people up-to-date with my life than anything else.

That being said, I’m changing directions in more ways than one.

My goal for my blog (which I think I have mentioned before but never seem to nail) is to reign in a focus and direction on my life and experiences abroad, and I think that this trip is a good segue in to that. My voice and writing style will stay the same, but as my friend said – it will be applied to other types of content. (Don’t worry – I’ll still overshare every aspect of my life in one way or another.)

That’s where you guys come in. I sent an e-mail around to some of my best friends asking them to send me some questions (which I have kept stored in a folder) that they have always wondered about this life that I live. One day I realised, I never really ask them what their thoughts are about, well, everything. The only thing I ever really ask is, What is it like without me there? I’m one person living without everyone, but you’re everyone living without one person.

Anyway, I got some really thought-provoking ones that I had not really ever considered myself, and I got some that gave me a good laugh.

To help me with reaching my goal, I’d love for you as my readers to write me with questions that you’re interested in, whether it’s where is the best place to start backpacking alone (I had a friend from Italy ask me that just moments ago) or what country has the best food. Maybe you’re interested in how I manage to fit my life in to one backpack (this time it’s going to be even more interesting since I am trying to get a proper job at some point), or maybe you’re wondering what are the ways to travel when you have very little funds to do it (I’ll be learning that as I go this time around!). I also plan to do a post where I break down my budget and see how well I hold myself to it. You might even be wondering why, as a traveler, my two favourite words in the human language are “I can’t! (always exaggerated and drawn out)”

Really, anything about anything you might be curious about!

In the meantime, I am going to focus on all things New Zealand, since in two weeks from today I’ll be making my way from Queenstown to the world-famous Milford Sound. I’m also trying to plan for my birthday, so maybe I can get some input from you all on what would be the best way to ring in 27.

So please, feel free to leave comments on here with questions (if you have any – hopefully you do!) as they come to mind, because I am looking forward to answering them!

Thanks, everyone!

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